Invisalign Encino specialist
Crooked or misaligned teeth are not only unsightly, but also make cleaning teeth hard. Invisalign is an orthodontic device which uses transparent and incremental aligners that adjust teeth as an alternative to wire braces. These are the main benefits of wearing Invisalign.
With Invisalign, it is easy to maintain good oral hygiene. It is very challenging to floss and brush your teeth when you are wearing metal braces as food particles will be easily trapped in the crannies and nooks of the wires and braces. Invisalign will make this simple for you as all you need to do is remove the aligners, clean the teeth and then put them back. Due to the fact that there are no wires to adjust, you will not have to make frequent appointments to have the braces adjusted. This means you will have a lot of free time to do what you like rather than sitting in a dental chair.
Best invisalign Encino doctor
Wearing metal braces will restrict one on the type of food to eat. Your orthodontist is going to tell you that you have to avoid eating sticky and hard foods since they can damage or even break the wires and brackets of the metal braces. When wearing Invisalign, you will be able to continue enjoying the foods that you love since you can take the aligners out when eating and then put them back when done.
Metal braces cause the mouth to look unattractive as if it is filled with awkward and unsightly chunks of metal. They are quite noticeable on adults and food can get stuck in them without the person wearing them realizing it. Invisalign clear braces are not noticeable. They look as though the person that is wearing them is not wearing any braces at all. They are more attractive than metal braces.
Top Invisalign Encino specialist
Conventional metal braces have wire and the protruding bits of metal that can pierce and scratch inside the mouth and gums. Clear braces are not only comfortable but also smooth. They do not have any sharp edges or bits and edges that stick out. Conventional braces affect decaying and demineralization of teeth. They need a lot of force in order to straighten the teeth. These are problems that do not exist with clear aligners. Generally, clear braces will reduce the damage that are usually caused by wearing braces which includes cavities and gum diseases.
If you are considering Invisalign, you will have to undergo treatment planning which is fully computerized. This means you will know exactly what to expect and also how long you will be wearing the braces for. Metal braces are a trial and error with no idea of what is to come next.
You should consider booking an appointment with Dr. James who is a highly qualified dental practitioner. Within a short period of time, you will be surprised with the results. You can also be shown before and after pictures of previous patients. This will therefore give you an idea of what to expect.
Robert January 23, 2015
ClearCorrect Asks USPTO To Re-Examine Invisalign Patent
Law360 (subscription) February 24, 2015
Law360, New York (February 24, 2015, 4:17 PM ET) — ClearCorrect Operating LLC has urged the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to re-examine a patent related to Align Technology Inc.’s Invisalign braces, one of several patents that were recently the … February 20, 2015
Morrone & Kaye Orthodontics Named Invisalign Elite Providers. Richard Kaye and Mary Beth Morrone with offices in Moorestown and Mount Holly, NJ have been recognized by Align Technology as Elite providers. Their use of digital scanners to eliminate gaggy impressions make them leaders in their field.
Is Invisalign Covered Under Dental Insurance? (ezinearticles)
ezinearticles October 31, 2014
Did you know that orthodontic treatments, including braces and removal
appliances, are the most commonly claimed medical procedures under private
health insurance (based on information from the Australian Private Health
Insurance Ombudsman)? That should assure you that your invisalign treatment
can be included in your dental insurance cover. Take note that such coverage
is only available in private health insurance.
Before and after Invisalign treatment with Dr. Doug. A great result in just under 1 year!
by Dr. Doug Orthodontics PLLC on February 25, 2015
Before and after Invisalign treatment with Dr. Doug. A great result in just under 1 year!
Invisalign is an orthodontic device that uses transparent, incremental aligners to adjust teeth as an alternative to wire braces. It is manufactured by
Getting Aligned with Invisalign | Vanity Fair
unknown November 10, 2014
Not to get too personal here, but I’m going to talk about my teeth. Yes, my teeth! For some time now, I’ve been thinking about getting braces, due to my bottom teeth being somewhat crooked and uneven, but, of course, I always …